local liabilities: The place for the new Sicredi employees educational center, at mercês district in Curitiba, showed some architectonic liabilities that made difficult to put in action the program proposed by the client. Visual barriers, conflicting cisculations, enclosed corridors, and mainly, a distant access and out of the preferred height of the street corner.
Access Point: Identified, the access point by the street corner gives room for a more generous reception for the new trainees, creating a cozy and transitory space until the classrooms. The old access, besides being elevated in relation to the street level, created a conflicted flow with the company's administrative sector in the floor above.
Flow and Sectorization: With the access by the street corner and the implementation of a common area, the classrooms are reserved at the end of the building, at the calmest part of the block, away from the busy street life.
The "buffer" space in between this programmatic dichotomy is the Father Theodor Amastad Room, that aims to reflect and to inform the company's history and culture.
Area: 999 m2
Year: 2017
Location: Curitiba - PR
Authors: isadora isfer, guilherme schimitt, lucas issey e pedro sunye
Team: brunno douat